Review Signal | Heading Font

Subheading Font

Body Font

A heading is a title at the head of a page or a section.
The heading font for Review Signal is called "Inter", it can be found for free here at google fonts. It should be sized 36px.

A subheading is a heading given to a subsection of a piece of writing.
The subheading font is called "Libre Baskerville", it can be found for free here at google fonts. It should be sized 30px.

Body (body copy, body text) is the text forming the main content of a piece of writing.
The body font is called "Inter", it can be found for free here at google fonts. It should be sized 16px.

Color Palette



Heading color

Dark Background Color



Accent Color and Highlights



Light background color

Text color on dark backgrounds



Body color

Subheading color

Design Examples

{Application description}

Social Media Card

Full Image

{Application description}

Profile Picture

Full Image

{Application description}

Review Card

Full Image

{Application description}

Website Rating Badge

Full Image


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